Originating only inside the volcanoes of Australia and Indonesia, Bumble Bee Jasper is very unique and hard to find. Bumble Bee Jasper forms host to a wide range of positive energies that can be used by you to better enhance your everyday life. Having this stone in your possession will enable you to pick out the best opportunities for yourself and your family. Bumble Bee Jasper will also enable you to become much more susceptible to change and new surroundings. This will help you break away from your comfort zone and explore avenues that you previously wouldn't have and you never know, one of these avenues might just change your life! Bumble Bee Jasper can also help give you an ego boost and help highlight your individuality so that you may start seeing yourself in a whole different light. Bumble Bee Jasper will also enable you to realize that you are the sole master of your own destiny and that it is only you who can control what happens to your life. Bumble Bee Jasper can also provide you with the ability to think on your feet and make quick decisions.